Featured Business: Social & Creative

Featured Business: Social & Creative

Check out Social & Creative at: 


Social & Creative Styled Stock Photography Logo

Social & Creative Headshot
Lets get personal. Tell us about you.
Do you have kids? Where are you from? What is your career history? What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?  

Social & Creative is co-owned by myself (Erin) and my business partner (Ania) – we actually attended college together about 10 years ago – we both studied Journalism, we joined Facebook together, ate the greasiest foods daily and basically carried each other through college. Then life happened! We lost touch. Over that time we both got married and had kids. Ania has twin 2 year old boys and I have a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. Ania and I are Canadians living just outside of Toronto.


What inspired you to go into your line of business?
Is there an interesting story behind how you ended up where you are?

There isn’t really this big story or super interesting event that caused us to go into business. Ania and I reconnected on Facebook and then met for coffee. I had wanted to start a second business doing styled stock photography. However, I am NOT a photographer. I was excited to learn that Ania had been pursuing a career as a family and newborn photographer, so I asked her about doing it. She was on board and the rest is history.


Tell us about your business.
How long have you been in business? What do you sell/offer? What makes you unique?

We are fresh into our business! We started the planning process for Social & Creative back in February of this year (2017). Then we started our social media channels a couple weeks later and secured some great marketing plans – we were featured in the March box of Sparkle Hustle Grow and will be doing some guest posts. Social & Creative offically launched on May 1st, 2017.

Social & Creative offers styled stock photography for small business owners and bloggers through a membership site! What makes us unique is that all our photos are super feminine i.e. not all pink which I find most of them are.


Tell us about your product.
What excites you the most about your item? What are the benefits of your product? What makes it unique? What is your favorite feature?

I am super excited about our product! As someone who works in social media I know I can create images for my clients that I will not find on other stock photography websites. Social & Creative also offers custom stock photos, which makes us different. If you have a specific brand colour or product we are able to set up a custom photo shoot for you. We will deliver your images via dropbox and they will be completely branded to your business.

Describe what your brand stands for.
Ex: honesty, quirky, adaptable, smart …

At Social & Creative we stand for visual awareness if that even makes sense. We want our photos to speak to your brand, business and readers so we strive to make our photos different and offer the option of a custom shoot.


What was/is your biggest struggle in business?
We all know running a business is NOT a bed of roses. What was/is your biggest thorn in the side? …

In our experience the biggest struggle is managing expectations. It is easy to get ahead of yourself and start thinking of all your future plans. Ania and I have learned to live in the moment. Motherhood taught us that! We need to take this business one day at a time, one photo at a time and one sale at a time.


What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Could be reaching a sales goal, working with a particular company, business growth, etc…

To date our biggest achievement would be being featured in the March box of Sparkle Hustle Grow which is a monthly subscription box for female entrepreneurs.


How did you figure out how to price your items?
Did you research or do you have a calculation?

Ania and I did a lot of research and noticed a gap in the marketplace – there were no (or very little) stock photography sites in Canadian dollars so we are using that to our advantage!


How do you market your products?
Do you use any Social Media Platforms? Do you promote your products locally? 

We use Facebook and Instagram to market and will be launching our Pinterest shortly. Our other avenues of marketing are participating in giveaways and guest posts! Attending conferences and networking in our area are also things we plan to do.


Did you have any doubts when you started your business?
How did you overcome them?

At the beginning when we took our first photos the doubt was, “Are these good enough?” We quickly turned that around by posting them to social media and recieving such an amazing response!


If you were to start all over again, would you do anything differently?
If so, what advice can you offer to others?

Not at all!

Social & Creative Headshot




Our goal is to help inspire, teach and learn from other entrepreneurs. If you feel you can share some insights that have made you successful and are interested in your business being featured, please fill out our Feature Business Questionnaire.

It will be up to our discretion if we use your business in a post.




3 Simple Steps to Maximizing Your Productivity

3 Simple Steps to Maximizing Your Productivity

One of my goals for 2017 is to increase my productivity. For me, a lot of valuable time was wasted in 2016 by going with the flow and spending countless hours on Facebook. (I swear Facebook is a black hole and once you get sucked in there is no getting out.)

I am excited to share the 3 simple steps I put into place to drastically improve my productivity. These steps not only allowed me to be in control of my day, but I also got more done in less time. Resulting in me spending more time with my family and less time stressed out.

What you need: Daily Planner, 1 sheet of paper, pen and a clock or timer.

I use the Brilliant Business Planner and love it. It is so much more than just a planner. It is a to do list, habit tracker, planner, journal and more. (Above is a referral link that will save you $5.00 if you want to get the Brilliant Business Planner too. Please note I will receive monetary compensation from your purchase with this referral link.)

1.  List

The first tip to increase your productivity is to list what MUST get done during the week and list what you WANT to get done. I suggest two lists; one for your business and one for personal items.

Take a few minutes to do a brain dump and write down everything that comes to mind on your sheet of paper.

Business & Personal List - Productivity

2.  Prioritize

The second tip is to prioritize.

Go through both of your lists and determine what absolutely MUST get done in the upcoming week. These items are given first priority in your schedule.

Second priority is given to the items you WANT to get done during the week.

The items that do not have a deadline you can move to a running to do list.

3.  Scheduling

The third tip is to use time-blocking for your daily schedule. This may feel very rigid at first, but I promise you will be amazed at how much time-blocking increases your productivity.

Start with your daily routine and any appointments. Be sure to block out the appropriate amount of time for the appointment and required travel.

Next, designate your working hours. Fill in your schedule with items given first priority from your lists. These top priority items MUST get done, so they need to be scheduled first in your day. (Before checking your email or any social media. You cannot get sucked into the black hole.)

When scheduling an item estimate how much time you need. For example, you MUST prepare a marketing report and estimate the report will take 30 minutes. You would then block out 9-9:30am on Monday in your planner.

After you schedule each top priority, you will schedule next the items you WANT to accomplish. Note, you do want to leave some blank space in your schedule. I leave mine at the end of my day. The blank space allows for projects that were not completed or that came up last minute.

Lastly, if you have several open spaces you can pull from your running to do list. You can also use your running to do list to fill the time at the end of your day. Those days when you are so awesome you complete everything scheduled!

Time-blocking  - Productivity

Bonus Productivity Tips:

  • Do NOT over schedule yourself. It will only create a feeling of overwhelm.
  • Use a timer to ensure you follow your daily time blocks. (I use the timer in the clock app on my iPhone.)
  • I schedule checking my email twice a day. During lunch and at the end of the day. Outside of those times I have my email program closed, so it is not a distraction.

Getting Personal

I suffer from anxiety and often become paralyzed with overwhelm. These 3 simple steps alleviate my anxiety and increase my daily productivity, while creating a happier work environment for me. I would love to hear how these 3 steps help you and if you have any additional tips to add. ~ Rae

Disclosure:  This post contains the following affiliate links: http://brilliantbusinessm.refr.cc/raewalaska  This means we will receive monetary compensation if you make a purchase using these links. We greatly appreciate your purchase and support of your fellow entrepreneurs.

4 Exciting & New Pinterest Updates

4 Exciting & New Pinterest Updates

Pinterest Updates

Have you logged into your Pinterest account recently? Pinterest has made some exciting new updates and BIG changes! I can’t wait to share the new Pinterest updates with you.

I am including photos with examples for you to see what I am talking about. Or you can hop on over to the She Sells Studios Pinterest page and check these changes out for yourself.

Slider Showcase

pinterest slider

The first change you will notice is Pinterest added a Slider Showcase that features 5 of your boards of your choice. We highly recommend choosing your top 5 boards or the boards that are popular for the current season. You can change your featured boards as often as you would like.

pinterest slider options

The next change you will notice is Pinterest changed the sizes of the boards and the board cover graphics. If you have board covers you will need to resize the graphics to fit the new boards.

Tip: The board cover and the first graphic on the upper right are the same image. The reason is because the smaller graphics show what your last pins were to that board. To prevent a double of the cover image you will want to pin 4 additional items after you pin your board cover graphic.

Board Cover Graphics

The good news is the board covers are now square. The covers were previously rectangular on a desktop and square on a mobile device. (For those of us, that are Type-A and want everything just right, it was a pain.)

The board cover graphics are universally square across all devices and are sized at 200 x 200px. Please note, the cover graphics can be bigger, as long as the graphics are square.

pinterest covers

Tip: Board covers help make your Pinterest boards look more organized and appealing.


Tried It

The Tried It! Button is the newest feature I am the most excited about. In order to use this feature, first click on the pin and then near the top you will see a “Tried It” Button next to the Send Button.

Our Tried It! Button is between the Send Button and the Tailwind Schedule Button. (Tailwind is a Pinterest scheduler. If you don’t have Tailwind, you won’t have this Schedule Button.*)

New Pinterest Tried It! Button

When you click the Tried It! Button to say you have tried this pin a new window will open. Next, in the new window you can tell others how your experience was. As a result, you can rate the pin with a “Loved it” smiley or a “Not for me” frown. You can also leave a note or tip and attach a photo.

Pintrest Tried it! Button Review Box

Of course, you are probably asking yourself, “Now where do I find these reviews and the people who have tried it?” Did you notice the little check marks with a number that are now listed to the right of the pin count?

Pinterest Tried It! Notification

The check mark represents having tried it and the number is the quantity of people who have hit the button. All you have to do is click on the check mark to view the people who have tried it and read the reviews they left.

Pinterest Tried It Review

Tip: Go in and explore pins that have the Tried It! Button. You can even do a She Sells Sister a favor and leave feedback on pins you have tried.

Loved it or Not for you

What else have you noticed has changed on Pinterest? Which changes do you hope stay and what do you hope goes away?

Happy Pinning!

*Please note Tailwind is an affiliate link. By clicking on the Tailwind link you will be provided a 1 month FREE trial and we will receive 1 month of free services! A win-win if you ask us.

How To Manage Your Time During the Holidays

How To Manage Your Time During the Holidays

time management tips for less stressful holiday

Does it seem that you spend every Christmas fighting to get your business in order for the next year that you forget to enjoy the holidays? It’s easy to want to focus all of our energy on our businesses, but spending time with family is just as, if not more important.

To help you this holiday season, let me introduce you to my favorite friend: time management. For most bloggers and creative entrepreneurs, the holidays can be stressful. There are so many things you have to do to get your business ready for the next year. And on top of all of this, you have family gatherings and holiday parties. Sometimes you can get so caught up in all that needs to be done, that you forget to enjoy yourself and you end up missing out on the most romantic and cheery season of the year. If this resonated with you in any way, here are a few strategies to implement this holiday season.



Santa uses his trusty lists and so can you. Making lists enable you to see what you have to do all in one place. Instead of having to switch from your Google calendar to that sticky note every five minutes you can create a couple lists with different tasks that you need to get done.



Most people forget to take care of themselves during the Christmas season, which usually leads to being unproductive in the beginning of the new year. Take a day off, or two, hell, even three to relax. Go to the spa, spend some “me time” reading that book you have been wanting to all year. Whatever it is, spend that much needed quiet time before the new year begins.



Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean that you can sleep in. Wake up earlier and start your day on a productive note. You’ll be surprised by the amount of time you save each day with this simple step.



Outsourcing the tasks that you can’t do properly or just don’t have the time to can save you a lot of money. Picture this, you don’t have the eye for the design but you insist on doing your own graphics for social media only to end up with no likes or conversions. While the other guy, who’s in the same boat as you, hired someone to do it and is, in turn, getting hundreds of likes and conversions from his smoking hot social media graphics. Outsourcing for your business can save you time, money, and stress.


Prioritizing is simple and doesn’t take more than ten minutes to do if you use this easy method. Every night before going to bed, create a list of 6 to 10 things both personal and business related that needs to be done tomorrow. When you’re finished, prioritize in order the three most important tasks from that list. When you do this, your task list will never be as daunting as it used to because, you my friend, have a plan and you know exactly which tasks need to be completed first.



Pick and choose what you have to do this season. You don’t have to spend hours writing and sending Christmas cards. Instead go online and purchase your cards from Vistaprint or a similar site. What if you don’t really like spending ten hours cooking your family meal? Hire a caterer instead. Pick the tasks you enjoy doing. You’ll be grateful for the extra free time to enjoy the company of your family or catch up on those last minute projects.



Instead of wasting an entire day to go in search of discounts and deals, visit the online stores. They have discounts and coupons too and you’ll probably find exactly what you’re looking for. The best thing about shopping online, is the amount of time you save. If you have a list and know what you are getting, all of your shopping can be done in half an hour without moving from your desk.

Author Bio:

Shamariah Orr​, Owner, Her Blog Empire
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/herblogempire/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/herblogempire.com/

The 5 Step Plan to Killing It On Your Blog Post

The 5 Step Plan to Killing It On Your Blog Post



You finally started your blog, and you’re ready to use that to help you land some clients.

Or, maybe you just want to blog to grow your email list or traffic. Whatever the case is, creating a blog post is more than just your writing.

Just take a look at the popular sites out there and read their posts. What makes them different from your blog posts? Let’s look at five key elements to having a killer blog post.

1. Your Writing Must Solve a Problem

One of my side projects is my Twins Mommy blog. I created it around eight months ago with the idea of writing about working from home.

I know many work at home moms find it difficult to work and take care of their family.

Although my blog’s focus moved to helping moms become mompreneurs, my content is still trying to solve a problem.

Figure out your audience and see what their problems are. You can go on Facebook, type in your niche or keyword and see what issues crop up in various Facebook groups.

For example, here are some Pinterest questions on Facebook that you can use for inspiration on your next blog post.


See what the most common problem is – or a unique problem – and answer that in your blog post.

By fine-tuning your blog content, you can reach a targeted audience that will follow you, read your blog and eventually buy from you.

If you have no clue who your target audience is, check out my ridiculously easy way to find your readers.

2. Create a Click-Worthy Headline

Your headline is what will stop scrollers from scrolling, passer-bys from passing by and simmers to stop skimming.

It’s what will get people to click your Pin or post and want to know more about it. But, what headlines are the best to use?

While you can use headline templates, try using these tried and true headline ideas for your next post.


Everyone loves to gossip and tell secrets, right? And for anyone online scrolling through the Pinterest feed, if they see a pin with the word secret in it, you bet they will stop.

I mean, wouldn’t you?

Look at this pin from Brilliant Business Moms:


After reading this, I WANT to find out what this 10-minute secret is for planning my perfect day.

Using secret in your headline compels people to find out the actual secret.

So, give it a try for your next blog post.

Mistakes or Fears

Another way to drive clicks to your post is to capitalize on people’s fears and mistakes.

I know.

It sounds kind of sleazy, but if you can phrase it in a way that will help your readers, then it can be a very powerful headline.

My blog post on blogging mistakes has over 200 shares and 52 comments.


Personalize Your Headline

As a freelance writer, I’ve learned that to write a post I shouldn’t use I or me. Readers don’t want to know about the writer; they want to learn about tips or learn from influencers.

But, you know what?

After starting Twins Mommy, I realized that people were coming to my blog to learn from me! This gave me the idea to create content around personal stories.

This resulted in my most popular blog post on my site with over 11k shares and 43 comments.

So, when you create a blog post, use I in your headline instead of You.

3. Format Your Blog Post for Easy Reading

Remember when I mentioned that your blog post is more than just words?

A big element to your blog writing is formatting. If you want more people to read your post and share your post, format it in a way that they can!


One way is to use subheadings in your blog post. These are H1 tags and not only helps with breaking up your post and organizing it, but it also is great for SEO.

Another way is to create white space in your writing. This means making your paragraphs shorter and using images and lists to break up your text.

4. Use a CTA in Your Post

What is a CTA?

It’s a call-to-action. This means directing your audience to your post to do something.

What do you want them to do? Share your post? Subscribe? Answer a question?

Figure out your goals for your blog posts and at the end of your posts create a CTA.

For example, email marketing strategist Meera Kothand often uses a question for her CTA as a way to engage her readers.


Another way to use a CTA is to ask your readers to subscribe to your email list. Creative designer Krista Rae offers a design course at the end of all her blog posts for her CTA.


5. Create Pinnable Images

For a lot of bloggers, Pinterest is the number one source of traffic for them. It is for me at least!

You can get started by using a free image editing tool like Canva to create your pins. Pick a template or create your own – my pin size is 800px by 1422px – and start thinking about your pin image.

If you don’t know where to look for stock photos, check out my post on 18+ places to find feminine stock images.

One way to make your pins stand out is to use bright, warm colors like reds, oranges, peaches, and pinks.

These seem to do well on Pinterest. Creating a border around your text box or image is another way to stand out in the Pinterest feed.

Finally, make sure to use your Pin image on your blog to encourage pinning!

Ready to Write Your Killer Blog Post?

The best blog posts incorporate most or all of these five key elements. From solving a problem a reader has to creating an irresistible headline to having the perfect Pin image, you can create killer posts too.

Over to you – what do you do to make a killer blog post?


Author Bio:

Elna Cain is a first-time mom to twins. Once she was able to get uninterrupted sleep, coffee and a few minutes to herself, she started freelance writing and never looked back. When she’s not writing for her clients or when her twins are sleeping, she’s helping other moms become mompreneurs at Twins Mommy. Follow her on Pinterest!

What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

“I need an assistant” or “I wish someone else could do this so I can focus on (insert task/project)” are two thoughts people have when they’re overwhelmed or overbooked. A virtual assistant is an expert in their field who contracts work to answer the thoughts mentioned above. Virtual assistants come with many expertise so whatever your needs you can find one with no issue!

Need a social media manager? Email or calendar management? Travel management and reservations? Project manager? Think of all the tasks you NEED to do but are so time consuming that you wish someone else would do so you can focus on the “nuts and bolts” of your business. That is when you contact a virtual assistant to help you out.

Why a virtual assistant instead of a full- or part-time employee?

  • You do not provide benefits or pay employee taxes.
  • You do not incur high costs associated with the staffing process.
  • Minimal on-boarding and training are necessary.
  • You only pay for hours worked or contracted projects.
  • You do not pay for coffee breaks, inefficient use of time, etc. that employees cost you.

What do you need to know before hiring a virtual assistant:

  • Hourly rates & project fees cover employee’s salary, company costs and taxes so at first glance prices may be a little steeper than you initially thought you should or would want to pay for whatever service you are looking to contract to a Virtual Assistant (VA).
  • VAs work on retainer hours paid upfront or project fees usually paid half upfront and half at completion.
  • Compatibility is important-expertise and personality must be a match.
  • The VA is NOT your employee; this is a working relationship that relies on trust and communication.
  • VAs often have multiple clients, and more often than not, they will not be available at the drop of a hat.

What are the costs involved?

It depends on the tasks needed and whether you pay a project fee or retainer fees. You are paying for expertise, which is the most important thing to keep in mind. Below is a chart that illustrates the difference between a full-time employee and a VA. The numbers can be changed or part-time and less for the VA depending on your needs.

*Sample Hourly VA Costs Compared to a FT Employee (rates and hours may vary)


Full-time Employee

Virtual Assistant

Hourly Rate of Pay



Overhead: 50% Office Space, Equipment & Supplies, Worker’s Comp, OT Pay, etc.


Benefits Package: 35%, Medical Insurance, 401K, etc.


Total Effective Rate of Pay


Annual Hours


Annual Labor Cost


There are many software programs and online resources you may or may not use, would like to be more proficient in, or would like someone to just do for you to ensure the main aspects of your business are being taken care of first and foremost. This is why a virtual assistant is an investment for your business!

I am not a techie virtual assistant, so I do not build or maintain websites, manage social media, or offer graphic design services. Those are services I have actually paid for and it was a great investment for my company!

I offer executive administrative, project management, and human resource management services. I feel confident offering services I have expertise and education to back up my credentials. I have three post-secondary degrees: MBA, MS in Human Resource Management, and a BS in Business Administration. I taught general business high school courses for seven years, served as an adjunct instructor for three years, and facilitated a federal education grant for two years. I am your right hand lady to do those tasks so you can focus on the heartbeat of your business!

Don’t waste time or money! Hiring a virtual assistant will relieve stress and free up time to focus on growing your business. Check out my website, www.yourvirtualhq.com and Facebook page, www.facebook.com/yourvirtualhq for more information. A consultation or a “Try Us Out” 2 hour deal may just be what you need to jump in and save yourself time, money, and energy to give more to your business or to your personal life! I can help bring balance to your business and life!


Contact Information:
Jackie Oehlschlager, Virtual Assistant
Your Virtual HQ

Jackie is a lifelong learner with a servant’s heart who loves challenges! Life happened and led her to starting her business, Your Virtual HQ. She’s a wife of an aircraft electrician/former active duty Marine “Oorah!” and a mother of a (step)son and daughter, ages 13 years and 14.5 months respectively. She loves running; she and her daughter have over 500 miles together including racing in two 10Ks, two half-marathons, a 20K, and a 10-miler race as of October 2016. Along with running, she loves traveling, scrapbooking and volunteering. Fun fact: She lived in Okinawa, Japan for a year and would move back if the opportunity presented itself. Before starting her business, she worked in the education industry and obtained three post-secondary degrees including an MBA, a MS in Human Resource Management, and a BS in Business Administration with a minor in Speech Communications. She also possess a Texas Teaching Certificate for Business and Speech classes, grades 6-12.

Featured Business: Sincerely Yours FL

Featured Business: Sincerely Yours FL


Check out Sincerely Yours FL at: 
 Etsy  |  Facebook    |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Pinterest


etsyLets get personal. Tell us about you.
Do you have kids? Where are you from? What is your career history? What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?  

Hello! My name is Leanne Jacob. I am the owner and creator of an Etsy.com store called Sincerely Yours, FL. My Etsy store sells hand painted ornaments, signs and personalized wedding invitations. Originally from England, I now live in Florida with my wonderful husband Bryan, our newborn daughter, Charlotte, two fur-babies (dogs) and two horses. (Fun fact: My accent has faded away. I don’t have an accent unless I speak to someone British. Then my accent tends to sneak back.)

In addition to my Etsy store, I am also a teacher. My goal is to become a stay at home mom (SAHM) with the income from my Etsy store.


What inspired you to go into your line of business?
Is there an interesting story behind how you ended up where you are?

I have always loved kids and I consider myself creative. Teaching is my creative outlet and I believe creativity helps me be a great teacher. My online business, Sincerely Yours FL is where I sell my custom pieces for weddings, events or personalized gifts.


Tell us about your business.
How long have you been in business? What do you sell/offer? What makes you unique?

I offer custom hand written or painted pieces. With Sincerely Yours FL I have done everything from a chalkboard sign at a wedding to custom pet ornaments. The custom pet ornaments are one of my best sellers. What makes me unique is, I enjoy creating custom, one-of-a-kind pieces that capture something special in another person’s life.

My online shop opened on Etsy.com in 2013. Etsy is a global community where artists and crafters sell their homemade or vintage goods online. Originally, I was only a buyer on Etsy. It was the first place I would look for items for birthdays, my wedding and other special occasions. I like to support small businesses and I have purchased great products from different Etsy stores. My thought was; if I shop on Etsy consistently, there must be more people like me who do the same and like to support small businesses.

In addition to already giving crafters a large market to sell to, Etsy is extremely user-friendly. The website will walk you through how to set things up and maintain your listings. It only costs 0.20 cents every four months to post a listing plus a small transaction fee is deducted when you sell an item (3.5%).


etsyTell us about your product.

What excites you the most about your item? What are the benefits of your product? What makes it unique? What is your favorite feature?

I love the process when a client first tells me their vision and then how they react when I bring that vision to life; it surprises and excites them. The number one benefit of my product is they will last for years. A sign from a wedding can later double as a piece of décor in the newlywed’s home.

Every piece I create is unique, making no two pieces the same. My favorite product is my ornaments. I am a dog lover and originally started giving the ornaments as gifts to my dog loving friends. Once I posted them to Etsy, they took off!

How do you market your products?

Do you use any Social Media Platforms? Do you promote your products on Etsy?

I market my products on every social media outlet possible (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). I join groups that I think my products appeal to and then post listings on the page. For example on Instagram, I am in a variety of different dog breed groups. I will post a listing for my custom dog ornaments and they are always a hit!

You can promote on Etsy, but you must be present and show your support for other shops in order for these promotions to be successful. There are many different teams on Etsy that you can join to promote your products. I am a member of wedding, baby and Christmas teams which offer support.

Describe what your brand stands for.
Ex: honesty, quirky, adaptable, smart …

Sincerely Yours, FL stands for being unique and creative. The item was made specifically for you – it’s sincerely yours.


What is your mission statement?
Why does your business exist? And for whom?

My business exists as a place for me to share my creative talents and to help others bring their idea to life.


Did you have any doubts when you started your business?
How did you overcome them?

As with any new business venture, I had my doubts when I first began. “Are people going to find my items as awesome as I think they are?” “Am I wasting my time?” What is nice about Etsy.com is that it is not expensive to feature a product, so there is room for trial and error when posting a new product. If the product didn’t do well for fourth months, I only paid 0.20 cents to post it.

Learn to celebrate the small successes to overcome your doubts. Even if you make one small sale, that person thought your product was awesome enough to buy it!


If you were to start all over again, what would you do differently?

What advice can you offer to others?

I would do more research on pricing than I originally did. When I first opened my shop I was so excited to get my products listed that I didn’t factor cost or time into my prices. Make sure you take into account not just how much your materials cost to make your item, but the amount of time, labor and love you put into creating it.

she sells studios


Our goal is to help inspire, teach and learn from other entrepreneurs. If you feel you can share some insights that have made you successful and are interested in your business being featured, please fill out our Feature Business Questionnaire.  

It will be up to our discretion if we use your business in a post.

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